Shooting Fish in a Barrel

Shooting Fish in a Barrel.

Engaging in a little game of “Catch Their Eye” is a delightful amusement accessible to all. Imagine sitting in a bustling bar, eyeing that intriguing individual across the room, and contemplating how to attract their attention, convince them to approach, and ultimately accompany you home.

In the event that the other person is hesitant to make the first move, fret not, for there exists a crafty maneuver.

Once upon a time, I assisted a dear friend in precisely this endeavor. We ventured into a beloved redneck bar of hers one evening, where she promptly identified her desired target. They had shared fleeting glances and exchanged warm smiles. Alas, he lacked the audacity to saunter over and initiate a conversation. Notably, he didn’t make any advances towards others either.

My role was simply to offer a slight energetic nudge, an additional push on the non-physical plane, compelling him to rise from his seat. And rise he did. Before he could comprehend the situation, he found himself standing before us, wearing a perplexed yet intrigued expression. I suspect he had resigned himself to the notion that conversing with my friend, a remarkably attractive woman, or going home with her, was a distant fantasy. Not so, he went home with her for an evening of rough sex.

Daze’ Lisenkoff,Ph.d,C.Ht.