What’s in your future!

Hello  Seekers, This weeks blog is about shaking someone hand and reading your palms as well any one you meet.Though out my life I always shook every body in the room.Why? I use o do SALES TRAINING as I shook the hand of the President I thought if they only knew I was ‘spooking with them’. It told me a good deal about the person. I learned if they were left or right. If the part of the hand is hard I have a person who is left brained. It means I must to present the facts in order. A,B,C,D,E,F. If I am present this way you make them crazy-C,E,D,A,B,F. It is the same with right handed person if I presented A,B,C,DE,F in organized manner, they will hem and haw until they changed the order they want the tiles.

This blog is also about you reading the lines your own hands. The lines in your hands change. Make a copy of them every couple of months to see what is coming up for you.

venus1.GIRDLE  OF VENUS: Creativity is the keyword for this line.

2. HEADLINE:Does your head or heart rule your life? If it looks like a “y”, both do; but straight across means a logical mind.

3. HEARTLINE: Are you happy with your life? The straighter the line is across your palm,the happier you are; if it’smoving down it time to look for new solutions. Change your thinking about your life.

4. LIFELINE: The longer it goes the longer you will live. If there are breaks in the line,look for some type of illness.

5 .FATELINE; Is there’ s a move in store for you? Does your left hand know what your right one is doing Will you be rich and famous. What your subconscious belief base is at the core of this line’s programing that will show on your right hand and what you came with is showing on your right.

6. INTUITION LINE: There are two schools of thought. One is that you are very pschic and the other is you have stomach problems.

Reading the left hand as what is going on with  you now.  The right hand is the lines you are born with.

Good luck! Dr. Daze’ Lisenkoff, PH.D, CH.t.Certifficate Sleep Specialist











Updated: April 1, 2020 — 10:59 am

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